News — bows

Holiday sales are here!

abdl adult baby adult binkie adult binky adult paci adult pacifiers Black Friday bows cases clips Custom Centerpieces DDLB ddlg Free Shipping Holiday Sales little gear little space littles mdlb mdlg New Options rave

Opal's Little Originals Black Friday sale announcement and December is free shipping month. New custom centerpiece option available!

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New 2022 Summer Release!

abdl adult pacifiers bows cases clips ddlg mdlb mdlg new rave welcome

New 2022 Summer Release!

Summer release of adult pacifiers

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Case, Clips, and Bows!

bows cases clips new

Case, Clips, and Bows!

We have added pacifier cases to store you treasures in. We have also added hair clips and bows! Some clips and cases have matching pacifiers. Each is sold separately or as a set.

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Grand Opening

adult pacifiers bows grand opening kandi new rave welcome

Grand Opening

Hello & Welcome to Opal's Little Originals, your place for Adult Pacifiers. We also offer Rave Kandi and adorable Hair Bows. This week is our grand opening! Stop by and check out our first batch of originals on this site. We were previously hosted on Etsy, but we have branched out on our own! We offer custom pacifiers too! Make your very own treasured piece. 

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